Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I'm unsure of why I've been so slack with this, so I won't make any excuses. Rather, I'll just get back into the swing of things, and keep providing you with bits and pieces from my life for you to enjoy.
So, I have some things to share.
While I was off doing my own thing and just being lazy in general, Bon Iver's new self-titled album came out. I have to say, it's one of the best albums I've heard in a long while, and so this is one of my favourite tracks from the new record. It's called 'Hinnom, TX'.
I went camping with my friends up at Mt Tambourine for the weekend, and took a photograph.
Watched a few cool movies, and got inspired.
I also fell in love with Adrien Brody's face.
I love Adrien Brody. He has the most lovely features. <3 SIGH!