Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Danger! Hazard! Caution!

 Now, I know that you have just googled pictures of warning signs if you really wanted, but those could be from anywhere! Here, I've compiled some from Queensland. JUST ONE STATE. And apparently, a very dangerous one. Just take a look at these!

The thing is, that while there is an abundance of these signs, it definitely doesn't stop Australians. In fact, in the areas these signs applied to, I watched people swim and jump from waterfalls. So pretty much what the signs say not to do. Because you will die.

So there are a few options for what's going on here:

  1. Australia is an extremely dangerous place, but its inhabitants are too tough to care.
  2. Australia is an extremely dangerous place, and its inhabitants are idiots / are illiterate.
  3. Australia is not really that dangerous.
I'd probably have to say it's a mix of the three though. Just have a look at Arj Barker's take on the Australian response to dangerous wildlife.

I think he's got it pretty much summed up there. Bravo, Arjie Barjie!

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