Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Musical Recommendation: Week 5

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Fink. I think I might have a little bit of a music crush on you. For those who don’t know who this Charlie Fink fellow is, let me introduce you to Noah and the Whale, a very lovely band from the United Kingdom.

Again, I’m going to have to recommend you to a whole artist, rather than just one song. Because really, I mean really, these guys have got some great stuff. Its all folksy and pretty and poppy all at the same time!

So firstly I present you with their song, ‘L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.’, which isn’t a lot of fun to type, but is a lot of fun to listen to. This was released at the beginning of this year, and restored my faith in spelling words out in song. For a bad example of this, see: Three Words by Will.I.Am and Cheryl Cole (which is actually embarrassing). But enough on cringe-inducing music! On with the real music!

Next, I give you ‘Shape of my Heart’, which is a fantastic song. It sounds so dreamy! I found this little gem after doing a bit a youtube trawl, and fell in love with the film clip. I’m a sucker for that vintage film stuff. If you didn’t like the first song in this post, I urge you to listen to this one anyway, because of all the Noah and the Whale song’s I’ve heard, this one is the best. I'm going to have to link the video though, because my computer is so rude to me. So HERE!

Finally, the song that made me love violin. Usually I’m strongly against the instrument, after the many primary school Christmas Concerts I’ve been subjected to. It was at these miserable gatherings where I was forced to watch as groups of musically challenged 8 year olds abuse the hell out their violins. But this song, ‘Rocks and Daggers’, is absolutely beautiful and I highly recommend it.

There’s no “official” film clip for the song online, so I can’t actually give you the original version of the song where Laura Marling joins Noah and the Whale, but if you can source it yourself, then definitely have a watch. It’s lovely! I won’t keep talking about Laura Marling now though, because that’ll keep me talking for another hour or so. Perhaps I’ll save her for another Musical Recommendation.

Cheerio and toodle pip,


1 comment:

  1. thanks for introducing me to a great song. :)
    now following. xx


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