Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Musical Recommendation: Week 1

I’m a huge fan of Australian music. And I get even more excited when I find a Brisbane band that I love. So, imagine my excitement when I find out that the front man of this great band called Ball Park Music has started a solo project, called My Own Pet Radio! Hurrah!

You should definitely check out his artist profile on triple j unearthed

Now, while there are only three songs available up there, they’re free to download, and it’s a great way to support new bands coming out of Australia. Plenty of artists have started with unearthed, like The Jezabels, the Hungry Kids of Hungary, Eagle and the Worm, and so many more! Yay!

The cool thing about My Own Pet Radio, or Sam Cromack, is that he manages to keep the style of music that Ball Park Music creates, but also brings his own individual thing to it, making it sound a little more folksy and dreamy.

It’s pretty great stuff, people, and out of 5, I give it... 3 stars.

Friday, 18 February 2011

I Don't Care About 'Your Family'

Alright, I’ve got a bone to pick with all those people who put those stupid ‘my family’ stickers on the backs of their cars. To see them in all their profound ugliness, click the link:
(By the way, I am now ashamed to say that I have this web address in my internet history)

So now that you all know what they look like, in case you didn’t beforehand, I will make my argument:
Firstly, they are a waste of money.
Secondly, they’re ugly.
Thirdly, there’s no actual point to them.
Lastly, and most importantly, if I wanted to know what a stick figure version of your family looked like, I’d – oh wait, I don’t need to finish that sentence, because I honestly don’t care what they look like.

I’ll bet you, that if you took to the streets and started asking people if they wanted to see a picture of your family, stick figure or otherwise, they’d either ignore you or say “HELL. NO.” So what makes putting a million cartoon pictures of yourselves and your seven ponies on the back of the car any different?

On the opposite end of the spectrum are the lonely P plate girls with just them stuck onto their back windshield, looking all skinny and chipper. Newsflash, actually, that’s not a family. That’s just you.

What you’ll also notice, is that most of the people with those revolting things stuck onto their car are, in fact, female. These days, you can’t walk past a news agency without seeing some forty year old woman ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the stupid little things, while her husband stands next to her looking depressed. They try not to look at the stickers, and at the same time avoid eye contact with any other human being at all costs, for fear of being socially ousted.  The only thing they can do to make themselves feel better is insist that either the surfer or the bodybuilder sticker looks most like them. Small consolation, in my opinion.

Rip those stickers off, ladies! And go give your man a hug!

And to all the rest of you ‘my family’ sticker toting people, I’m sending you a message on behalf of the world: We don’t care what your family looks like. Have a nice day.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

The Indie Phenomenon

Indie kids. Man, what the hell are they?

Thinking stereotypically, I’d say the following:
-          They have odd haircuts
-          They wear ripped denim shorts and strange shoes
-          They ‘don’t give a shit’

Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to bag out a whole group of people, or try to define them here. I myself have been described from time to time as ‘a little bit indie’. What I’m trying to point out, is how confusing belonging to one of these teenage subculture is.

All you have to do is have a quick squiz at urban dictionary and you can see that they’re just sewwwww conflicted,

They all claim one style, or one philosophy, or one outlook is supposed to be ‘indie’,
Exhibit B -

Now, in my expert opinion, Justin Heazlewood’s got it pretty spot on, but imagine the outrage upon showing this to a bunch of quirky, ripped denim wearing teenagers. It’s not pretty, is it?

See, the thing with these indie types is that no-one really knows just what the hell is going on with them. I don’t, and I’m pretty sure they don’t either. In simple words, indie is a mess.

Maybe that’s how it should be, though. Indies aren't supposed to fit any sort of social construct. After all, indie is supposed to mean independent, or individual, or…whatever. But in the end, 'who gives a shit'?

Artisan Guns Cover Crowded House

If I was wearing a hat, I'd take it off to Artisan Guns, who've recently put out this great cover of Private Universe, originally performed by Crowded House. The song was released on a tribute compilation album titled 'He Will Have His Way: The Songs of Tim & Neil Finn', and was one of the standouts amongst the other covers. Also loving the film clip!

Roadside Vespa

roadside vespa

Fourth Drawer Opens!

Well, here we are. It's been a long time coming, to say the least.
So, welcome to my blog, 'fourth drawer'! Isn't this exciting?
I think so.

I suppose a little explanation is in order. I've always wanted a blog; one where I can share my photography, my writing, tell people what I think, and hear what they think too. So what I plan to do is become a regular blogger. I'll be posting all these things as often as I can, as fast as I can.

I'll be writing, photographing, reviewing, ranting... the list goes on.
Actually, I'm quite fond of lists. Maybe I'll throw in a few of them, too.